Collision Evidence Classification

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Reminder: Be sure to clean up and remove all evidence after each observation is recorded.

A dead bird – a dead bird is found within 2m of the buildings edge, be sure to thoroughly check all nearby trees and shrubbery










An injured bird –  an injured bird is found within 2m of a buildings edge, be sure to thoroughly check all nearby trees and shrubbery

A bird feather stuck to the window – A feather was found stuck to the window following the collision.

A blood smear on the window  – A smear of blood is found on the window where the collision occurred

A body smudge or dust imprint on the window – Birds create a dust that comes from little pieces of their feathers when they preen or flap their wings. Leftover dust, accompanied by a large body smudge may be found on a window following a collision.

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A sound of a bird striking a window – often a loud ‘thunk’ noise, like a tennis ball hitting a window. Be sure to check the window and outside for additional evidence.

I saw the bird collide with a window – You witnessed the bird colliding with the window. Be sure to check the window and outside for additional evidence.